17. Dr Rand McClain: on Cheating Death

17. Dr Rand McClain: on Cheating Death

In this episode of Exploring Optimal Health I talk with dr. Rand McClain - world leader in longevity therapies & innovative anti-aging solutions, and author of the new book ‘Cheating Death: The New Science of Living Longer and Better’ (coming 7 March).
During this conversation we discussed many interesting topics such as:
  • The best ways to calculate your biological age
Chapter 1: Regenerating Bodies, Rethinking Aging
  • The role of telomeres & DNA methylation in longevity
Chapter 2: Aging With the Regenerative Advantage
  • How stem cells can significantly improve your well-being
Chapter 3: Anti-Aging Tools For Leveling the Longevity Playing Field
  • The benefits of using Metformin
Chapter 4: Living Longer and Better with Hormones 
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
Part 5: Cheating Death with Technology, Analytics, and Action
  • The future of wearables and AI (Oura Ring, Whoop, Apple Watch, etc)
You can find dr. McClain on the following websites
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