15. Shawn Wells: on the ENERGY Formula

15. Shawn Wells: on the ENERGY Formula

In this episode of Exploring Optimal Health I talk with Shawn Wells, world’s leading nutritional biochemist who patented over 20 novel ingredients and formulated over 700 products in the health industry. It's no surprise he's also known as ‘the Ingredientologist’ - scientists of ingredients. 
Shawn is also the author of the book the ENERGY formula, which we elaborately discussed during this episode. Amongst many topics we spoke about:
E = Experimenting
  • The importance of 'bioindividuality'
  • Blood tests to measure mitochondrial health & biological age: hemoglobin a1c, c reactive protein, oxidised ldl
N = Nutrition
  • My own journey with experimenting with keto while trying to maintain weight.
  • How ketogenic diets have a positive influence on longevity
  • The power of dihydroberberine in maintaining healthy glucose levels
E = Exercise
  • High intensity interval training, blood flow resistant training & intraset stretching
R = Routine
  • Aligning circadian rhythms
  • The importance of good sleep hygiene
G = Growth
  • The philosophy of 'The obstacle is the way'
Y = Your Tribe
  • Social connections as the #1 indicator of longevity
  • The importance of the Ikigai & Ubuntu philosphies.
If you want to know more about Shawn and his book the ENERGY formula please visit  https://www.energyformula.com/ & https://shawnwells.com/.
You can find Shawn on Instagram on @shawnwells !
I hope you enjoyed this episode of Exploring Optimal Health and hope to see you in another episode!
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